The Road to Redemption part 3

Getting back on your feet or finding your feet after life has thoroughly dealt with you can be tough but , where there is a will,  there’s always a way out.

In my humble opinion everything else starts with you. Seek self reconciliation(get to know who you are and embrace it), forgive yourself,  and take responsibility for your actions where possible. If they  neglect you, speak ill about you , do you want to neglect yourself as well?
Build a strong relationship with yourself and then work on repairing other relationships outside you .
Find a spiritual balance , seek God , know Him in your own way.

Accept whatever situation you might be in.  It  becomes easier to go through anything however difficult it might be. It also helps you find better ways of living or even copying until you get where you need to.

Evaluate and abandon some relations or ties, not everyone is meant to be on your life path or walk the journey of life with you. Some relations or ties are death traps.

Seek reconciliation but be prepared to be accepted or rejected. Don’t force people to forgive you or don’t stress people who are not ready to forgive you, remember they’re hurting .

Make an effort to change, do a habit change or make over , get a routine or just do something to improve your life
Quit playing victim, self pit blame game.
Seek for the truth and facts about your situation, be patient with the truth, it may even take decades before the truth finally comes.
Walk in silence,  sometimes others could be struggling more than you are or some people find joy in your misery.

Embrace the road of redemption as a second chance to do it right and leave well to the fullest.

If you missed part 1 please click here

For part 2 please click here

Author: Ajal Mary Theodorah

The Road to redemption – (finding redemption in strange places) Part 2

However dark or thick the shadows of failure, past mistakes and mistreatments are, learn from them, be strengthened and pick up just a little courage to start all over again, to be born anew.

Those scars will remain, the stories of your past will stay.

But, don’t lose heart , accept those situations. Say to yourself
“yes, they happened but now I am moving forward and I want the best for me “

if those ghosts of the past ever show up, may you never be intimidated.

Let those tough moments help you find your road to redemption, don’t let yourself drown in shadows or stuck in shadows, reach for the light or bring the light.

Along the path of redemption some are not so lucky to make it to the end but you will make it.

You will be surprised where you find redemption, sometimes you just need to take it a little easy but remain focused.

It could come in the form of a song that just speaks the right words, a random quote, a stranger, a friend or just your mood, funny huh!!!

Redemption could also present in that painful moment you are going through that helps you gain strength & clarity to see things in a different perspective and transform you into a better person.

When your moment comes hold onto it tightly.

But above all how do you walk the road to redemption?

To be continued…

If you missed part one please visit

Author: Ajal Mary Theodorah

The Road to redemption – (finding redemption in strange places) Part 1

A fraction of us today is paying or living in shadows of our forefathers’ wrong doings. The shadow of their wrong doings hover over us however much we try to escape, all attempts seem fruitless.

sometimes, our own choices cast big shadows wherever we go, however much we try to right those choices, it seems nothing is enough.

But, not to lose hope,  sometimes drowning just a bit shows you the importance of one big breath of fresh air when you need it the most.

Is this you?

Life can sometimes be so cruel, unbelievable & unfair.You might have worked diligently and tried your best to do right even when the wrong is tempting.
Every now and then it feels like there is always someone tearing you apart and with every level in life it seems someone or a situation has been planted waiting to do their worst.

With the current economic crisis, every new day is filled so much uncertainty.

But ,As long as you have life, nothing is impossible.

To be continued….

Author : Ajal Mary Theodorah

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