Having something to offer in a network takes you away from the temptation of exploiting others but it also makes your network see the value of having you or else they could easily cut ties with you.

You can start by paying attention to the small details of the individual that could be the biggest connection or link you may have with the individual and could even sustain your network relationship further.

For instance your network could be someone who seems to be already established in all ways but he or she loves gardening , you could request to join them whenever they are gardening out with or get them the best plants or gardening materials or books.

Be natural and give ample time to study and understand your network so that there’s time to level expectations if it ever comes up .

Get a linkedin account and keep it updated . Linkedin is a great place to get in touch with your network and keep things professional and within boundaries.

Remember to prioritize quality over quantity . Once I read somewhere that if you don’t have 5 contacts or individuals you can call for financial aid at any time without telling many stories then you are finished .
Concentrate on a few networks , nurture them and they will open for you several doors of opportunity.

Networking has outstanding benefits for both personal and career developments with outcomes like a better reputation, increased visibility, a stronger support network, improved business growth, and more impactful connections.

Written by Ajal Mary Theodorah
The Two Sides Of Theodorah – WordPress
The Two Sides Of Theodorah-Facebook

Breaking barriers

sometimes, you have to make an effort to pull down those barriers that exist among, between or within. People won’t always do everything for us.

When someone is different from you or your perspective of normal, it doesn’t mean that they are completely helpless or cannot participate or bring in something useful. We can be more accommodative and supportive.

To read the full article Click Here

Author: Ajal Mary Theodorah

The Two Sides Of Theodorah – WordPress
The Two Sides Of Theodorah-Facebook

Don’t create Emergencies

Have you ever been caught up in a situation that started so simple, that you ignored or hoped it would get better after a few weeks, then months or even years but ended up being an emergency?

A while ago I visited one of the Nordic countries, while there, I got a toothache, a really bad one. Then I called the dental hospital hoping I would be told to get to the hospital, in the next few hours. To my horror, I was told they would be happy to receive me in two months because all the days were booked.

I thought maybe they misunderstood me, so I told the nurse “my tooth hurts bad, can I come now or latest tomorrow morning”. The nurse politely told me,
“so sorry, I know it hurts really bad, we are currently fully booked but, we can contact you as soon as someone cancels an appointment”.

Don’t wait for something to become an emergency before you act on it.

To read the full article Click Here

Author: Ajal Mary Theodorah

The Two Sides Of Theodorah – WordPress
The Two Sides Of Theodorah-Facebook


Dealing with and adjusting to life after the passing on of a loved one can be difficult and everyone deals with it differently. Children or adults all grieve and feel a range of emotions like distress, guilt, crying spells, hostility, irritability, loss of usual pattern of conduct etc.

Have you ever wondered why a once very loving, kind social person or a child becomes so indifferent, withdrawn, and impossible to deal with?

Give yourself a chance to grieve after loss and don’t try to hold it in to prove you’re so strong, it will transform you into someone you are not. Above all work on your healing journey, healing comes from within and from you.

To read the full article Click Here

Author : Ajal Mary Theodorah

The Two Sides Of Theodorah – WordPress
The Two Sides Of Theodorah-Facebook


Time and time again we have received advice that; for you to grow personally , professionally or even accumulate wealth, you need to ensure you surround yourself with great minds and individuals who will propel or stimulate your growth. This is a great strategy however it has also become a breeding ground for exploitation.

Networking is about intentionally establishing, building, and nurturing long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with the people you meet anywhere and where you go.

We might be familiar with certain scenarios of receiving messages or phone calls from people you haven’t heard from in a long time only to be surprised by a message or phone call that after a few sentences end up in request for favours .

Building meaningful networks isn’t just about asking for favors or having a long list of people to run to when you are in need.

However it’s also important to have contacts to help you out but you shouldn’t misuse them.

Building meaningful Networks is about recognizing the value in an individual or network and intentionally sustaining the relationship so that it yields mutual benefit for both of you. Be intentional but not coercive to reflect and identify the areas you are willing to support not to always be on the receiving end.

But how do you become a better person to your network or the people around you?

To be continued …..

Written by Ajal Mary Theodorah
The Two Sides Of Theodorah – WordPress
The Two Sides Of Theodorah-Facebook

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