Navigating Blended families -Part 4

As we conclude this chapter of blended families , I share a few suggestions that migt be of Help to someone transitioning into blended family life. 

I am not a relationship expert , therapist or counselor , but these views I share are based on the interactions and experiences I have had  with various individuals who are or were raised in a blended or step family.

Plan your blended family structure and all in advance with certain basic principles to rely on as you all adjust and find your rhythm later as the family  gets to be more stable. However do not go into a blended family with a lot of expectations. Things can be unpredictable but prepare and brace for whichever situation.

Give yourself time to heal before starting a new relationship so that you have a great fresh start to prevent moving forward unhealed wounds from the previous relationship to the next one .

Just like any relationship , communication is an important aspect. Mentally , emotionally prepare yourself and the children before the commencement of building a blended family. Establish clear communication between you , your partner and the children.  Talk to your children, communicate, children understand more than they can express. Talk about things together and forge ahead together. Give them a simple explanation or insight on why the family situation is changing in the simplest way possible to match the child’s age group.

Work together as a team with your partner on various issues concerning your family so that matters concerning the family are agreed  upon  in advance to avoid contradicting opinions which may confuse the children or other parties involved or make you seem divided.

Seek professional help if you can afford to help you find balance in your life and family as well.

There is so much to share about blended families , but all in all you have to be more intentional and disciplined to make  your blended family an enjoyable experience for the children , yourself and partner.

You can also read part 1 to 3 on the links below

Navigating Blended Families Part One

Navigating Blended Families Part Two

Navigating Blended Families Part Three

Author : Akoth mary Theodorah

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