Today I conclude the preparing for childbirth series which was aimed at #creating_awarness_on_maternal_health_and_Safety  as we handle the last topic which is prayer .

Prayer has been proven in many ways to be very helpful in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression and other scientifically unexplainable experiences among others.

Prayer gives hope, calms you, gives confidence and assurance that all will be Well.
Prayer strengthens you and also builds you up mentally, emotionally and physically. which gives you balance irrespective of what will happen or not happen during and after the childbirth.

According to Boelens et al., participants in their study showed great improvement in dealing with anxiety and depression after receiving prayers( link to Journal: https://doi.org/10.2190/PM.39.4.c )

Many pregnant women struggle with anxiety, depression, fear, and several emotions that prayer can help remedy.

According to a study on the Prevalence of depression in Uganda, the pooled prevalence of depression among postpartum or pregnant women was 26.9%.( https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0276552#:~:text=Out%20of%20the%206296%20postpartum,0.001)%20(Fig%207). )

It is therefore important for both pregnant women and their partners, friends or well wishers to pray .

Good luck to all intending parents, couples and new mothers.


Episode one mental preparation for childbirth:https://marytheodorahakoth.wordpress.com/2023/06/30/mental-preparation-for-childbirth-preparing-for-child-birth-series/

Episode Two: Choosing a childbirth companion: https://marytheodorahakoth.wordpress.com/2023/07/07/intentionally-building-a-team-or-choosing-a-childbirth-companion/

Episode Three: Finance/ Savings for Childbirth : https://marytheodorahakoth.wordpress.com/2023/07/14/3-finance-savings-for-childbirth/

Episode Four: https://marytheodorahakoth.wordpress.com/2023/07/21/pre-existing-maternal-medical-conditions/

Author: Ajal Mary Theodorah
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheTwoSidesOfTheodorah
WordPress: https://marytheodorahakoth.wordpress.com/
Photo credit : E.P.Photografia

Happy 10 years Anniversary

10 years ago,  on the 23 July  2013, I created The Two Sides of Theodorah (https://lnkd.in/d6isqDX2)  with the intention of sharing real life experiences to inspire Fellow young people who are struggling with life. Not to give up , Not to feel alone, and Not to be afraid of life despite and inspite all.

It has been a journey that I am grateful I started, I have seen myself grow over the years, had my share of ups and downs which is part of life.

I am so happy, honoured and privileged to have the amazing support of all of you in different ways. The times when I gave up on writing you guided me back, the great support and encouragement from you, I can’t thank you enough.

The Two sides of Theodorah started just as a page but out of it , I now have a YouTube channel ( https://lnkd.in/edmR7yT2 ) where I share with another audience too, extending the same .

As you and I celebrate this Journey that we have walked some for 10 years, others a couple of years, others weeks and some for days.
I humbly request that you share with us all,  how The Two sides of Theodorah has Inspired you and some suggestions of the topics or areas you wish could be covered.

All in all We give Glory to God, Happy 10 years Anniversary The Two sides of Theodorah

Author: Ajal Mary Theodorah



Pregnancy is a life defining journey in many ways that,  after the nine months every mother or couple should all go home happy with no one lost due to avoidable circumstances.

As a pregnant woman or couple with child, it’s important to go for a thorough medical check to ascertain any underlying medical conditions or pre-existing maternal medical conditions.
This will enable the medical personnel to better help you prior to your delivery time and during childbirth.

For instance Fibroids have become an issue among many women of reproductive age in Uganda.It is estimated that at least 20 per cent of women by the age of 30 have fibroids in Uganda.(Link to the information : https://www.monitor.co.ug/uganda/news/national/fibroids-can-multiply-to-61-3324846)
Therefore pregnant women and their partners should check for some of these conditions and prepare appropriately for childbirth.

Knowing your pre-existing maternal medical conditions will be what stands between saving your life and death.

As you draw near to your delivery due date, arrange all your medical documents with all the important information.Clearly stating  your medical conditions to save time.
For instance what is  your blood group, do you have hypertension, do have a heart disease, are you epileptic, what medications are you allergic to, or what are your allergies among others.

Make the work of the medical personnel easier by providing them with the information they need to help you better.
Don’t think they know everything,  withholding important information about your health will instead work against you .

Don’t feel ashamed about whatever health conditions you might be having, shame could cost you your life.

Share this information or medical documents with your birthing companion so that they can best communicate with the medical personnel.

Sometimes if you sense your body is acting up, especially if you’re aware of some of your pre-existing maternal medical conditions please don’t try to prove how strong you’re, seek help, talk about how you’re feeling so that you can be helped timely.


Episode one mental preparation for childbirth:https://marytheodorahakoth.wordpress.com/2023/06/30/mental-preparation-for-childbirth-preparing-for-child-birth-series/

Episode Two: Choosing a childbirth companion: https://marytheodorahakoth.wordpress.com/2023/07/07/intentionally-building-a-team-or-choosing-a-childbirth-companion/

Episode Three: Finance/ Savings for Childbirth : https://marytheodorahakoth.wordpress.com/2023/07/14/3-finance-savings-for-childbirth/

Author: Ajal Mary Theodorah
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheTwoSidesOfTheodorah
WordPress: https://marytheodorahakoth.wordpress.com/
Photo credit : E.P.Photografia



A child coming into a family or a parent’s life changes everything including your finances . Finances are a major part of childcare right from finding out a woman is with child and the processes that follow or even earlier.

However  sometimes the pregnancy news may come as a surprise or as a result of unforeseen circumstances that may hinder proper preparation. Either way,  we have to financially prepare to some degree.

Childbirth is a complicated process that should never be underestimated. You could walk into the hospital with a woman in labor and after a while she gives birth and all is wonderful and you will pay a fair amount of money.

However for some it’s not the case, birth complications could arise at any moment  requiring lots of money that may come in between saving the life of both mother and child or trading them both for death. 

On 15 May 2023 , The daily monitor shared a story about Elizabeth Aswan who died at 23 years . Her husband was asked for some money so that services would be rendered to his wife which he didn’t have at the moment but made an effort to go look for it. However  the nurse in question neglected Elizabeth and only rushed to help when her situation worsened but it was too late she passed on. The Postmortem report indicated there was negligence that claimed Elizabeth’s life. (link to the Story of Elizabeth Aswan : https://www.monitor.co.ug/uganda/special-reports/tororo-hospital-on-the-spot-over-maternal-deaths-4235078)

Elizabeth is one of the many mothers who pass on in various health care facilities because of lack of finance to save the life of  both the mother and child  however this could also be tied to factors beyond our control. So I encourage several parents to save money for hospital bills and other unforeseen expenses.

Some workplaces give very short maternity leave of 30 working days or even less depending on where you work, so you must have enough money to take care of things if for instance you have a birth complication that requires you to stay home longer.

Start saving money as little as you can afford , as soon as you as a couple or parent discover you are with child, it will lift a huge burden off your shoulder . Finances will not have to be among the many things you have to deal with during childbirth .

Photo credit E.P.Photografia


To read mental preparation for childbirth visit:https://marytheodorahakoth.wordpress.com/2023/06/30/mental-preparation-for-childbirth-preparing-for-child-birth-series/

To read choosing a birth companion visit:https://marytheodorahakoth.wordpress.com/2023/07/07/intentionally-building-a-team-or-choosing-a-childbirth-companion/

Author: Ajal Mary Theodorah https://marytheodorahakoth.wordpress.com/https://www.facebook.com/TheTwoSidesOfTheodorah



A birth companion is any person, chosen by a woman, to provide her with continuous support during labour and childbirth. It could be a friend, spouse, mother etc.

Having the right birth companion/partner or team can greatly improve the quality of care you need during labour and delivery.

Not anyone can be a childbirth companion, sometimes , we might have ended up in hospital with friends or any other person and they become your birth companion by default.

Or sometimes you could end up in hospital alone not by choice but sometimes because you didn’t think deeply about it.

I think all expectant women should intentionally choose or build the kind of team they want to support them during labour.

Labour is not a joke, it’s exhausting, stressful and a near death experience.

Therefore you need the right people to walk this journey with you, not grabbing people by default of association.
You can choose them based on your preference but you could also consider the following;

They should be someone you trust, alert under high pressure and stress circumstances,  someone reliable, close to you in terms of location, and someone who can make quick life saving decisions on your behalf in case things don’t go as planned.

It should be someone who you can count on for encouragement and continuous support.

Choosing a woman who has given birth before as a birth companion can also be advantageous sometimes.

Ask about the hospital policies because, in some places males are not allowed in the labour suit,  incase your spouse is your child birth companion.

You can also think about choosing a team  which  can be at least 2 to 3 people so that they don’t get burned out.

All in all , choose what works for you but , please don’t walk into that labour suit alone or with someone who will make labour more intense than what it is already.

Have you had a childbirth companion before, what was your experience?

If you missed Episode 1: Mental preparation for childbirth visit: click here

Photo credit: E.P.Photografia


Author: Ajal Mary Theodorah

The Two Sides Of Theodorah – WordPress
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