Seek out others, we are each other’s keeper

Be humble , kind, patient and caring enough to pause for a minute and look around you, to be sensitive to seek out others .

To Seek out that one person, who seems lost, isolated,grumpy or who is barely smiling or that one person who seems to have everything under control.

You just never know, your act of kindness, your hello,how are you doing, how have you been, could be the Hope and spark they have been waiting for or need in that moment.

Today is them, tomorrow maybe you!

We are each other’s keeper!

Author: Ajal Mary Theodorah

The cost of not taking action or taking action

Not Taking action or Taking action is what stands between you & the transformation you desire.

There are things you wish could stop or stay, but you haven’t done anything different!!

Today,You have the power to make it work in your favour, your action , your word, your attitude.

Author: Ajal Mary Theodorah


Picking up from last week, I shared what rejection looks like and some of its effects.

Today , I share a few insights that are not exhaustive but it can be helpful while experiencing rejection.

There’s no easy way to get freedom, you will have to work for it .
I think to better deal with rejection , you have to intentionally take a self awareness journey. self awareness will enlighten you on the existence of rejection in your life and which particular areas. It will also help you trace its roots.

Working towards your healing through focusing on your behavioural patterns that could in one way or the other cause you to promote the continuity of rejection.

Work on your emotions like anger, short temperedness, self pity, bitterness, defensiveness, emptiness, lack of Self control and indiscipline because these are some of the feelings that rejection broods.

Make peace with what you can not change and work towards what is possible.
It’s not your fault that life turned out the way it did, inspite and despite all, you can still live a peaceful life, life in the present . Let your past be a reminder of your victory and not a tool to jeopardize your present and future.

Build and maintain a set of standards upon which you live your life. I suggest finding your identity in God by seeking to know Him for healing and day to day living.

Turning to God in prayer is one of the best ways to deal with rejection. It will give you a great attitude, wisdom and emotional stability to approach rejection and deal with it gracefully in the event that it comes up.

You can also watch the video version of this article from my YouTube channel:

Author: Ajal Mary Theodorah


Rejection hurts but you cannot prevent or avoid it altogether. Rejection simply means the act of not accepting or denying, denouncing something or someone at a certain moment in time.

Many of us have experienced or will experience at least one or many forms of rejection in our lifetime.

It presents in the simplest forms starting from the family as parents prefer a certain child over the other, or a male child instead of a female child and making the other child feel unwanted or not loved enough.
It could also present in the form of rejecting a pregnancy considering it unwanted Or you could marry into a family only to be rejected by your in-laws.

Rejection can also advance to society where you are rejected because of your race, income level, physical appearance, disabilities etc.

Rejection can have a multidimensional impact on an individual’s life.

For instance, It affects your identity. Sometimes people who have experienced rejection especially during their childhood years may struggle with a sense of belonging and continuously look for validation or places to fit in .

It will also affect your Relationships.It affects your perspective about relationships and may cause violence or aggression against a certain group of people based on the individuals experiences growing up or in life.

It will affect your quality of life for instance you may always feel empty, not worthwhile, or sometimes think something is wrong with you. You may also ask yourself why can’t they accept you or keep blaming yourself for what happened thinking maybe you could be the problem.

It will affect your Emotional stability. Rejection can trap you between hate , bitterness and secret love and admiration for your rejectors.

It could also sometimes subconsciously affect your decision making ability or behavioural patterns. For instance Sometimes you could pass on the rejection mantle .

To be continued….

You can also watch the video version of this article from my YouTube channel:

Author: Ajal Mary Theodorah

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