Harvesting Honey with Grandpa – Children’s book

I am happy to share that I am finally a published author. My first book, a children’s book, “Harvesting Honey With Grandpa” is a story inspired by my childhood days with my maternal grandparents.

 “Harvesting Honey with Grandpa” children’s book is now available for purchase at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Saxo on the links:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/HARVESTING-HONEY-GRANDPA-THEODORAH-MARY/dp/9913979803/ref=sr_1_1?crid=5XJIRXGCFOHB&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.pmxb_7KQntXLVFmZX9vyEg.pYLkHsch-fffor51jt0fHdVhjzhPcPweSnc0M2RBf_o&dib_tag=se&keywords=harvesting+honey+with+grandpa&qid=1714245006&s=books&sprefix=harvesting+honey+with+grandpa%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C174&sr=1-1

Barnes & Noble : https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/harvesting-honey-with-grandpa-catherine-tuka/1145465148?ean=9789913979801

Saxo: https://www.saxo.com/dk/harvesting-honey-with-grandpa_bog_9789913979801

It has been an exciting journey. My writing journey was born in my darkest moment in life, it was something I stumbled upon when I was grieving the death of my father as an 8-year-old girl trying to process grief.

Today I am honored that I can share beautiful and happy stories with the whole world.

I am privileged to have an amazing partner Dr. James Ajal who has been patient and loving and has been my happy and safe place to grow and evolve. Thank you “La Pal cunya” for supporting me and making this dream a reality.

A special thanks to my mother, who introduced me to writing. My mother’s diary inspired my writing journey.

And to my late maternal Grandparents Raphael and Sofia, you did an amazing job raising me, May your gentle souls rest in eternal Peace.

I am Looking forward to your support and feedback.

Kind Regards


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