The African informal education system & transfer of traditions!

Africa has a rich and diverse culture, each with a unique way of transferring skills, knowledge, and traditions.

I am from Eastern Uganda, in my culture like many cultures in Uganda, we pass on traditions, skills & knowledge, etc. through storytelling, riddles, and proverbs among others.

 As a little girl back in the day, I and many children of different age groups gathered inside and around my grandmother’s small grass-thatched kitchen in the evenings. We mostly helped with dinner preparations but most importantly we gathered inside the smoke-filled kitchen to listen to African stories from Grandma that were packed with so many lessons. 

 Evenings were the best part of the day; we learned new riddles and sometimes we took turns retelling some of the stories.

 Indiscipline cases during the day were addressed in the evenings with a story that dealt directly with the kind of indiscipline.

 In my family, a special dialect was used only known to the family. It was to be used to communicate in times of emergency or in the presence of a visitor to inquire about something without offending the visitor or passing information that only concerned family members if strangers were around.

 As a young girl back in the day, I learned the importance of hard work, listening to advice from elders, respect for elders, greeting, when to speak or not to, community, planning and so many things from the stories, riddles, and proverbs.

 HARVESTING HONEY WITH GRANDPA is an African storybook for children that celebrates the African informal education system and the transfer of traditions. It’s a book dear to my heart inspired by true events.

 “Harvesting Honey with Grandpa” children’s book is now available for purchase at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Saxo on the links:


 Barnes & Noble :


Share with me in the comment section some of your favorite African stories, riddles, and proverbs or how does your culture pass on traditions and knowledge to the next generations. 

Learn more about Harvesting Honey with Grandpa children’s book Here

 Author: Ajal Mary Theodorah 


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